Info Mode List Dialog

Choosing what information to display in the information list.

Info Mode List

To access this dialog:

  • In any 3DProperties dialog, select the Info Mode List tab.

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The Info Mode List dialog is used to define which, and in what order, data columns are to be displayed when Information Mode is used.

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The settings described here apply to the currently active 3D window and all linked external windows. Independent windows will be unaffected.


Field Details:

Columns: select the required data columns from the list. Use Click+<Shift> and Click+<Ctrl> to select multiple data columns.

Down Arrow: click this button to add the selected column(s) to the Info Mode List area.

Red Cross
: click this button to remove the selected (multiple selection is possible) data columns from the list.

Add All: add all the data columns listed in the Columns area to the Info Mode List area.

Info Mode List: see the order of which fields are displayed when the object is selected in Information Mode.

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Only the data columns shown in this list are displayed when Information Mode is used.


+ - Buttons: use these buttons to move the selected data columns up or down the list in the Info Mode List area.

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If no data columns have been specified for a loaded object, using the Info Mode List dialog, , when Information Mode is used, right-clicking it in the 3D window will display all available data columns by default.

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The Info Mode List tab is available for Points, Planes, Strings, Wireframes and Block Models. It works in the same way for each object type.


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Information Mode